
Behind the Art with Felecia.

THRIVE is a word they use all the time when assessing the health of children. 

I have two of them and they were born later in my life, so they are pretty much the lions-share of my life. 

I waited a long time to have kids, making certain for me that the things I wanted to do with life that couldn't easily accommodate kids were done.

But I discovered after having them that my years of discovering, experimenting, trying new things only began anew when they became part of our family. As I watched them learn to walk, talk, throw a baseball, write letters, try new foods - pretty much everything - it was as if I was learning these things for the first time too...

I'm totally in touch with the fact that I'm living some of my life vicariously through these two...that I get just as excited about a new movie or a cart-wheel accomplished as they do. 

So..as they TRIVE, so do I...

As with most of my layouts, I felt like the journaling was the most important part. But the colors in this kit are so amazing!!!  


The idea of thriving through my very rambunctious boys is somewhat busy and full of color and life...so I tried to give my project movement and color, a sense of the chaotic business of boys without detracting from my story. 

Its no joke that I really do love the photo this points to...its one of my favorites. we were playing on the floor in the front hall of our home...just hanging out and being together...my husband snapped the picture at just the right moment, because I was tickling those kids...and it came out to be just the right thing at just the right time.

I don't know if thriving in and of itself is something we can set out to accomplish purposefully or if its more like taking small steps to appropriately care for something  or some one. Its about love and attention...or food and water and shelter and clothing...or practice, practice, practice...the small things add up to thriving. 

Whatever it is, for these little humans in my life, when they thrive, I do also, in the most amazing, vicarious way.

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