
Journaling: After the Rough Draft

Hello there!

Last month we took a moment to focus on journaling and where to begin. We discussed removing the fear of being grammatically correct. That might make some of you cringe but, in all honesty, it's something you need to let go.

The next piece of advice I am sharing this month is to allow yourself to "go there". If you have ever sat in a therapy session, your therapist has probably recommended keeping a journal. There is something freeing about letting out what is inside your head and translating it into the written word.

The same can happen with your "INSIDE OUT" layout or art journal page. GO THERE.

Layout by Melissa Elsner

I cannot tell you how many times I have ended up in a blubbering mess after spewing out all I had to say in writing. Even though I was a blubbering mess, I felt freedom. I felt healing. I felt satisfaction. I had a new perspective on the situation or the thoughts I had.

Layout by Lori Wilbanks

So here is an exercise you can do this month:

Think about the emotion of the kit you are working with. 
Get your pen and notebook ready. Or your word processor. 
As the thoughts come, let them out. Don't hold back. 
Pretend no one is ever going to see them except you. 
Of course, you probably ARE going to be the only one unless you are brave enough to share. Which I strongly encourage you to do someday. The lives you can touch and encourage by doing so is amazing and wonderful.
If you feel the emotion coming to the surface, let it. 
Joy. Sadness. Grief. Celebration. 

Layout by Nicole Martel

Wherever you are in your walk of life, I can tell you from experience, that journaling can and will be one of the most rewarding and healing things you can do. Why not begin the process using the prompts on our site? Get a kit. Use your own supplies. We're happy to support you in your journey.

Layout by Melissa Elsner

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