
Can We Talk, Here...?

It's time.  It is!  Really time to open up and communicate.  That's this month's topic we're exploring at Inside Out:  Communication.  Let's play with some synonyms of communication...

How do you disseminate information?  Do you prefer to broadcast it, make a connection and converse, or announce a train of thought?  Do you think written correspondence is a dying art, like I do?  When you have a revelation, how do you articulate it?  Do you prefer to give or receive advice?  What is your favorite delivery method when you share your thoughts?  What in the telling of a story keeps your interest the most?  When you share, what is your favorite form of expression... reading, talking or interchange? When has a prediction ever come true for you?  To whom do you divulge your innermost thoughts and secrets?

There are so many forms of communication.  Verbal, non-verbal, written, intuition... all out there to explore.  Will you come with us on this journey?  Please, talk to us... use your words, your art, your creativity... we love to hear from you!

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