I love actualization, fulfillment and mastery.
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Main Entry: Achievement
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: something
completed successfully; goal reached
accomplishment, acquirement, acquisition, act, actualization,
attainment, completion, conquest, consummation, contrivance,
creation, deed,
effectuation, effort, enactment, encompassment, execution,
exploit, feat,
Fulfillment, hit, masterpiece, performance, production,
realization, stroke,
success, tour de force, triumph, victory
defeat, failure, forfeit, injury, miscue, misfortune, neglect,
Main Entry: acquisition
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: obtaining
or receiving
Synonyms: accretion,
achievement , acquirement, acquiring, addition, attainment,
buy, gain, gaining, learning, obtainment, possession, prize,
procurement, procuring, property, purchase, pursuit,
recovery, redemption,
retrieval, salvage, winning
Notes: acquisition is a material possession while an
acquirement is a personal
skill or knowledge that one gains
dearth, lack, loss, need, want
Main Entry: act
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: something
Synonyms: accomplishment,
achievement , action, deed, doing, execution, exploit,
feat, move, operation, performance, step, thing, undertaking
cessation, idleness, inactivity, inertia, quiet, quiet, repose, rest,
stoppage, suspension
Main Entry: action
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: individual
Synonyms: accomplishment,
achievement , act, blow, commission, dealings, doing,
effort, enterprise, execution, exercise, exertion, exploit,
feat, handiwork,
maneuver, manipulation, move, operation, performance,
procedure, step, stroke,
thrust, transaction, undertaking
Main Entry: actuality
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: something
that truly exists, is real
achievement , actualization, attainment, brass tacks, fact,
materiality, materialization, real world, reality, straight
stuff, substance,
substantiality, truth, what it is
Main Entry: completion
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: accomplishment,
achievement , attainment, close, conclusion, consummation,
culmination, curtains, dispatch, end, expiration,
finalization, finis, finish,
fruition, fulfillment, hips, integration, perfection,
realization, swan song,
windup, wrap-up
Antonyms: anticlimax,
Main Entry: creation
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: invention,
Synonyms: achievement
, brainchild, chef-d'oeuvre, concept, handiwork, magnum
opus, opus, piece, pièce de résistance, production, work,
work of genius
Main Entry: discharge
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: carrying
out of responsibility
Synonyms: accomplishment,
achievement , execution, fulfillment, observance,
Main Entry: effort
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: work,
accomplishment, achievement, act, aim, application, aspiration,
attempt, battle, crack*, creation, deed, discipline, drill,
elbow grease,
endeavor, energy, enterprise, essay, exercise, feat, fling*,
force, go*,
industry, intention, job, labor, old college try, pains,
power, product,
production, pull, purpose, push, resolution, shot*, spurt,
stab*, strain,
stress, stretch, strife, striving, struggle, sweat, tension,
toil, training,
travail, trial, trouble, try, tug, undertaking, venture,
hesitation, idleness, inactivity, laziness, passivity
* = informal/non-formal usage
Main Entry: end
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: completion,
Synonyms: accomplishment,
achievement , adjournment, attainment, bottom line,
cease, cessation, close, closing, closure, conclusion,
consummation, culmination, curtain, denouement, desistance,
determination, discontinuance, execution, expiration,
expiry, finale, finis,
finish, fulfillment, issue, last word, omega, outcome,
payoff, perfection,
realization, resolution, result, retirement, sign-off,
target, termination,
terminus, upshot, windup, wrap-up
beginning, commencement, opening, start
Main Entry: execution
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: carrying
out of a task
Synonyms: accomplishment,
achievement , administration, completion,
consummation, delivery, discharge, doing, effect, enactment,
fulfilling, implementation, nuts and bolts, operation,
performance, prosecution,
realization, rendering, style
Antonyms: abandoning,
disregard, failure, forgetting, ignorance, leaving,
Main Entry: finish
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: conclusion;
Synonyms: accomplishment,
achievement , acquirement, acquisition, annihilation,
attainment, cease, cessation, close, closing, culmination,
curtain, curtains,
death, defeat, denouement, desistance, end, end of the line,
end of the road,
ending, finale, finis, last, last stage, ruin, stop,
termination, terminus,
wind-up, winding-up, wrap, wrap-up
Antonyms: beginning,
commencement, initiation, introduction, start
Main Entry: fulfillment
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: accomplishment,
achievement , attainment, carrying out, carrying through,
consummation, contentedness, contentment, crowning,
discharge, discharging,
effecting, end, gratification, implementation, just the
ticket, kick*, kicks
observance, perfection, realization, you got it
disappointment, dissatisfaction, failure, frustration, unfulfillment
* = informal/non-formal usage
Main Entry: gain
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: acquisition,
Synonyms: accretion,
accrual, accumulation, achievement , addition, advance,
advancement, advantage, attainment, benefit, boost, buildup,
cut, dividend,
earnings, emolument, gravy, growth, headway, hike,
improvement, income,
increase, increment, lucre, payoff, proceeds, produce,
profit, progress,
receipts, return, rise, share, take, up*, upping, velvet*,
expenditure, forfeit, forfeiture, loss, waste
* = informal/non-formal usage
Main Entry: hope
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: longing;
Synonyms: Utopia,
achievement , ambition, anticipation, aspiration, assumption,
belief, bright side, buoyancy, castles in air, concern,
confidence, daydream,
dependence, desire, endurance, expectancy, expectation,
faith, fancy, fool's
paradise, fortune, gain, goal, greedy glutton, hopefulness,
light at end of
tunnel, optimism, pipe dream, promise, promised land,
prospect, reliance,
reverie, reward, rosiness, sanguineness, security, stock,
thing with feathers,
despair, disbelief, discouragement, hopelessness, pessimism
Main Entry: satisfaction
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: giving
or enjoying a state of comfort, content
achievement , amends, amusement, atonement, bliss, cheerfulness,
comfort, compensation, complacency, conciliation,
contentedness, contentment,
delight, ease, enjoyment, fulfillment, gladness, good
fortune, gratification,
happiness, indemnification, indulgence, joy, justice, peace
of mind, pleasure,
pride, propitiation, recompense, redress, refreshment,
reimbursement, relief,
reparation, repletion, resolution, reward, satiety,
serenity, settlement,
vindication, well-being
discontent, dissatisfaction, need, unhappiness, want
Main Entry: success
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: favorable
Synonyms: Easy
Street, accomplishment, achievement , advance, arrival,
ascendancy, attainment, bed of roses, benefit, big hit,
boom*, clover,
consummation, do well, eminence, fame, flying colors,
fortune, fruition, gain,
good luck*, good times, grand slam, gravy train, happiness,
happy days, hit,
killing, lap of luxury, laugher, maturation, profit,
progress, prosperity,
realization, reward, savvy, sensation, snap, strike,
successfulness, triumph,
victory, walkaway, walkover, win, éclat
Antonyms: failure,
* = informal/non-formal usage
Main Entry: tour
de force
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: spectacular
Synonyms: accomplishment,
achievement , attainment, chef-d'oeuvre, conquest,
deed, exploit, feat, feat of strength, grand achievement,
great achievement,
magnum opus, master stroke, masterpiece, masterwork,
performance, piece de
resistance, stroke of genius, success, triumph, victory
Main Entry: victory
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: win,
achievement , advantage, ascendancy, bull's-eye, clean sweep,
conquest, control, defeat, defeating, destruction, dominion,
feather in cap,
gain, grand slam, hit, hole in one, killing*, laurels,
mission accomplished,
overthrow, prize, subjugation, superiority, supremacy,
sweep, the gold, triumph,
upper hand, upset, winning
Antonyms: defeat,
failure, forfeit, loss
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