
Behind the Art with Felecia

One of my most exciting dreams that I have the incredible blessing to live is designing for Inside Out. I have to say that there would be a LOT less of me in my own pages without this amazing company. 

And I also have to say that the monthly themes get a lot more of ME onto the page. I really enjoy thinking through each one and determining what is important to me about each topic. They stretch my creativity too because the products are not products I would normally purchase for myself. (Lets face it...my world is filled with boys and most of my scrapbook work is about them!) 

So...THIS is most certainly living a dream for me - a creative dream that stretches me, fills my soul, breathes new life into my art and helps me to get me in those pages...I couldn't ask for a more rewarding opportunity!

I really just wanted to showcase this amazing paper...so I just painted a bit of white paint to mute the background.

I've been learning and experimenting with a more free-form layering technique and gave it a shot here with both the A and B sides of the Webster's Pages papers plus a little bit of cardstock. I LOVE how it turned out - dimension and color that still fits into my pretty clean style. A little paper clip form the kit draws your eye to the picture.

Of course, I had to throw in some shiney bits - so I just color matched a few sequins here and there to pop the background.

The letters are such a magnificent shape, but the colors didn't pop when I tried the title...so I colored them black with a marker to make them stand out. This actually worked well for me on another layout as well.

Artistic endeavors are soul filling and I'm extraordinarily blessed to get to do this with a company that is really focused on healing, exploring and filling our souls through art...Its a once in a lifetime gift!

Peace, ya'll!

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