
Flashback to Patience

We'll be back to Individuality tomorrow, but I wanted to jump back in time to see what we have delved into in the past.  In January 2009, Inside Out was exploring Patience.  It's nice to go back and look at some of the inspiration from then.  You never know when you might want to create another project with Patience as its theme.  Check out these layouts exploring Patience:

Layout by Anam Stubbington

Layout by Andrea Davenport

Layout by Laura Croft

Layout by Nancy Doren

I think one of the biggest challenges that comes about in January is having patience with the weather and patience with myself.  First, I love winter, don't get me wrong... but the weather is so unpredictable and the drivers who can't drive in snow are so frustrating.  It's a BIG lesson in patience!  In addition, I get started with the new year with gusto, but soon find my enthusiasm petering off.  I need to find patience in myself and to keep pushing myself forward in my goals and aspirations that I've dreamed up over the holidays.

How about you?  What do you find the most challenging requiring you to have patience?  Does the time of year affect it?  Give me some tips...what do you do to gain patience during a difficult moment in time?

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